1. Thank you all for coming today and volunteering your time. We will try to keep it short. a. Chuck Cornwall, Sid Vogel, Jim Parnell, Tim Russell, Dennis Koppersmith, Tara Morrison, Jerry Morrison, David Swartz, and Roy Scheffel. Missing were Jack Dwyer and Garret Tirpak. 2. Old Business a. Jerry Morrison update on the Honor Guard Grant. Jerry briefed on the work he has accomplished in trying to obtain grants from MOAA National for our Chapter’s proposed events. In particular, the Board has agreed to try to get a MOAA grant to assist the Honor Guard in obtaining more community awareness of their activities. The Honor Guard will develop a brochure for distribution throughout the County. Jerry provided each of the Board members a detailed packet of information about MOAA Charities and Community outreach grants. He also provided us a recommendation to update our Webpage, which is critical if we are to compete for a grant. Chuck reached out to Ken Cooper who has agreed to take responsibility for the webpage for the Chapter. 3. Discuss the plans, programs and speakers for 2024 a. April 18 – Dennis Koppersmith (US Flags) Dennis has organized a meeting with the attendance of the local JROTC Cadets who will be our guests at the meeting to demonstrate the proper history and display of the National Flag. Major Abston, a retired AF office is responsible for the JROTC delegation and will attend the meeting as well. b. May 16 – EMA Director (Dennis) Dennis confirmed the Baldwin County EMA Director will make a presentation concerning Emergency Management in the County to the Chapter. c. June 20 – Joint meeting with Mobile? i. Need to coordinate this with Mobile. Mobile is responsible for the event this year, and we are awaiting details from their chapter. ii. Dennis has contacted the Mobile Chapter and is working on the details. d. July 18 – Foley World War II Commemorative City (Tim). Foley World War II Commemorative City. The City of Foley has been determined to be a WWII Commemorative City, one of only 11 cities in the USA to be so honored. At this point we are planning a July 18 program at the Gift horse where we will honor the city. Tim Russell has the lead on this event. We expect this to be the full program for July 18. e. Aug 15 – Col Dave Mollahan, (USMC, Ret), President, Marion Military Institute (MMI). It has been recommended that Col Mollahan be invited to speak to our chapter. Chuck has responsibility for coordinating this visit. (This presentation may move to September or October) f. Sep 19 – 9/11 Program. Sid did not remember a making a proposal for this meeting concerning 9-11. However, Sid will look to provide a suitable meeting for this date and will report out when he has a speaker identified. g. Oct 17 – h. Nov21 – Business Meeting i. Dec – No Meeting 4. New Business a. BC-MOAA Web-Site. We have a tentative agreement from Ken that he will take charge of this responsibility. b. Liability Insurance. Dennis reported that we now have new liability insurance for the Chapter, and it is starting today. c. The State Council has asked our chapter to sponsor the state meeting. Requirements, dates, and place are not confirmed at this point, Chuck will contact the council president to determine the requirements before we make a firm commitment to host the event. 5. Thank you all, again for serving. a. Next Board Meeting – May 16 b. Adjourn Meeting
1. Attendees of the Board Meeting at the Gift Horse in Foley after the monthly meeting. Chuck Cornwall (absent) , Sid Vogel, Jim Parnell (absent), Tim Russell, Dennis Koppersmith, Tara Morrison, Jerry Morrison, David Swartz, Garrett Tirpak, and Jack Dwyer (absent). Chuck Cornwall was absent due to a significant injury to his neck. 2. Old Business a. Jerry Morrison update on the Honor Guard Grant. Jerry was successful in obtaining a $1000.00 Grant for the Chapter from National which will be used to support the Baldwin County Honor Guard. This was a massive effort by Jerry and the entire Board thanked him for his efforts. Others, like Dennis Koppersmith assisted as well. b. Judi Whidbee, the former commander of the Honor Guard attended the meeting as well. c. Foley World War II Commemorative City. Tim mentioned that we will organize a ceremony for the City of Foley to commemorate Foley’s selection as a WWII Commemorative City. 3. Discuss the plans, programs and speakers for 2024 a. June 19 – Joint meeting with Mobile at the Original Oyster House on the Causeway @1730. b. July 18 – TBD (Sid Vogel will determine if the local NOAA office will be interested in speaking to our organization.) c. Aug 18 – TBD d. Sep 19 – Col Dave Mollahan, (USMC, Ret), President, Marion Military Institute (MMI)? e. Oct 17 – Foley World War II Commemorative City (Tim). f. Nov 21 Business Meeting g. Dec – No Meeting 4. New Business a. BC-MOAA Web-Site (What Ken Cooper needs every quarter) i. Jim Parnell provides the information monthly on current and future meetings. That includes dates, location, and speaker. Names and subject matter of the next three speakers ii. New members names and a brief bio of new members when membership applications are received should be provided to Ken so he can publish that information on the Web Site iii. Chuck – It is decided the President should provide a quarterly statement by the President to the membership. iv. The mission statement of our chapter will be placed in the web site v. Ken requested a short bio for ALL officers of our chapter. This would include names and a short bio. Short bio meaning less than 200 words. b. Jack Dwyer had requested an opportunity to change the luncheon location. Garrett Tirpak stated he would contact the Daphne Club which has recently been bought by Pennie Pete and seems to have the parking and dining room available for our group. Garrett will evaluate it and report back the Board. c. A motion was made and passed that we will pay our share of the fee for the Joint Meeting. Dennis Koppersmith will handle that payment. d. Tara Morrisson bought and sent signed cards to Chuck Cornwall, Frank Connell, and Jack Griffen. Get well everyone. 5. Thank you all, again for serving. a. Next Board Meeting – July 18 b. Adjourn Meeting